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经济民主是社会主义民主的重要组成部分,企业作为市场经济的重要主体,在企业中建立企业民主制度是社会主义市场经济的客观要求,同时也是社会主义民主的内在要求。但企业民主制度在建设过程中面临着许多困境和问题,文章试图结合这些问题探讨企业民主制度建设的相关路径,以期能够更好地完善我国企业民主制度建设。  相似文献   
20世纪下半叶,西方学界文艺复兴研究的中心发生了由欧洲至美国的“跨大西洋洲际转移”,汉斯·巴龙、菲利克斯·吉尔伯特和保罗·克里斯特勒三位德裔犹太学者在此过程中扮演了至关重要的角色。三位学者的学术背景和治学路径既有共性又存殊异,他们凭借各自在文艺复兴研究领域的标志性贡献,共同谱写了“意大利文艺复兴、美利坚制造”的浩荡历史篇章。  相似文献   
四川盆地卤水分布广泛,资源丰富, 早为世人所瞩目,中三叠统雷口坡组是四川盆地最早开采天然气和盐卤的层系之一。根据盆地雷口坡组大量钻井资料研究表明,盆地雷口坡组主要成盐期分别为雷三2 期和雷四2 期,在盆地东部和南部由于受到古隆起的影响,盐岩地层已被剥蚀难以保存,现今盐岩主要分布在开江古隆起和泸州古隆起的西部以及天井山古隆起的南部(华蓥山以西—龙门山以东的川西—川中地区)。印支运动对盆地雷口坡组盐岩在平面的迁移起着十分重要的作用,根据不同时期盐岩统计数据看,两期盐盆在平面上具有向西迁移、叠加的特征,其中川中的GS1 井就钻遇了这两期的盐岩。  相似文献   
维护职工合法权益是工会的基本职责。近年来高校工会工作对象从编制内人员扩展到非编制人员,维权服务工作面临着新的问题和挑战。基于S省高校的抽样调查数据与深度访谈资料显示,各高校在签订劳动合同、缴纳社会保险等方面都能按照要求规范进行,能按时足额发放薪酬,有相应的制度和管理规范,非编制人员的基本权益得到了保障。各高校工会组织积极履职,提高非编制人员的组织化程度和维权意识,帮助他们反映合理诉求,维护和保障非编制人员的合法权益,保证了职工队伍的稳定和谐。但也存在着工会维权职能发挥不充分,法治方式运用不足;工会制度不到位,维权机制不健全;工会主动作为不够,作用发挥不充分等问题。因此,创新高校工会非编制人员维权工作,必须加强法治思维,树立依法维权的理念;加强制度建设,完善工会维权机制;加强人文关怀,发挥工会桥梁和纽带作用。  相似文献   
Maintaining the performance of infrastructure-dependent systems in the face of surprises and unknowable risks is a grand challenge. Addressing this issue requires a better understanding of enabling conditions or principles that promote system resilience in a universal way. In this study, a set of such principles is interpreted as a group of interrelated conditions or organizational qualities that, taken together, engender system resilience. The field of resilience engineering identifies basic system or organizational qualities (e.g., abilities for learning) that are associated with enhanced general resilience and has packaged them into a set of principles that should be fostered. However, supporting conditions that give rise to such first-order system qualities remain elusive in the field. An integrative understanding of how such conditions co-occur and fit together to bring about resilience, therefore, has been less clear. This article contributes to addressing this gap by identifying a potentially more comprehensive set of principles for building general resilience in infrastructure-dependent systems. In approaching this aim, we organize scattered notions from across the literature. To reflect the partly self-organizing nature of infrastructure-dependent systems, we compare and synthesize two lines of research on resilience: resilience engineering and social-ecological system resilience. Although some of the principles discussed within the two fields overlap, there are some nuanced differences. By comparing and synthesizing the knowledge developed in them, we recommend an updated set of resilience-enhancing principles for infrastructure-dependent systems. In addition to proposing an expanded list of principles, we illustrate how these principles can co-occur and their interdependencies.  相似文献   
Published articles may be retracted when their findings are no longer considered reliable due to honest error, publication misconduct, or research misconduct. This article focuses on the case of a single serial violator of research and publication ethics in anesthesiology and critical care, which is widely publicized. A chain of events led to detection of misconduct that had substantial impact on the evidence base for the safety of hydroxyethyl starch, an intravenous artificial colloid solution, which is reflected in current guidelines on fluid management and volume resuscitation. As citations to retracted works continue to be a cause for concern, this article reviews the retraction status of this author’s published articles to determine whether sufficient action has been taken to retract his body of work. Results show that retraction practices are not uniform and that guidelines for retraction are still not being fully implemented, resulting in retractions of insufficient quantity and quality. As retractions continue to emerge for the author’s publications, with ten more since 2011, and as they are generally increasing, these data on retractions not only provide findings of misconduct, but also allow us to make inferences about ongoing weaknesses in the system of scientific literature.  相似文献   
高校中层副职干部具有高校干部、中层干部和副职干部的群体特征,应当具备相应的政治、思想、道德、业务、能力和身体等方面的基本素质。高校应当按照现行干部配置规制,结合内部管理体制和工作机制任用干部。高校中层副职干部的日常活动涉及到社会、学校、家庭等多个层面,必须妥善处理好各种人事关系。  相似文献   
先秦时期,人口聚居之地常受水患侵扰。先民通过选择离水近便且较高的居住地、修造城墙与城壕、修建排水系统等措施,有效地防范水患的威胁,这为后世城市防范水患提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
This study builds on previous research by examining the impact of gender when predicting roll call voting behavior in the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate over several recent congresses. In order to unearth gender effects, it employs a longitudinal design based on turnover in the membership of both the House and the Senate. Through a comparison of the voting records of members of Congress representing the same geographic territory it holds constituency constantly while allowing for gender and party to vary. It does so with models including dependent variables that measure roll call ideology and support for women's issues exhibited in the voting records of members in both institutions. The results show that male and female members in each chamber representing the same constituency amass virtually indistinguishable voting records on the liberal-conservative policy dimension. However, on votes dealing with issues of concern to women, female senators tend to be more supportive than the male senators they replace and male senators tend to be less supportive than the female senators they replace.  相似文献   
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